Critique and Humanism Journal accepts texts in English, German, French, Russian, and Bulgarian that have not been published or submitted for publication with another publisher.

Submitted papers undergo a blind peer review process and their acceptance is conditional on the positive evaluation of the reviewer. Articles are submitted for anonymous review if they are relevant to the topic of an upcoming issue, announced in advance, or by request for publication in the Varia rubric. For texts falling under the Varia section, the editors of the journal decide whether or not to publish the text.

A paper’s merits are evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • the importance of the issue addressed by the author;
  • the author’s competence in the current state-of-art in the respective field of research;
  • the clarity and soundness of the author’s arguments;
  • the innovativeness and relevance of the author’s approach to the problem;
  • the quality of the author’s writing style – its scholarly level and grasp of the topic’s complexity;
  • compliance with the formal rules for citation, transliteration, and layout of the text.

The review should be expected for up to 3 months after the submission of the text.

Link to reviewer report.


Papers should be submitted as two separate attachments to the e-mail of the journal and the Editor-in-Chief:,, The first file is a title page and contains the names of the author(s), title of the paper, abstract, keywords, e-mail, institutional address, and a brief biographical note about the author (academic degree, position, main publications, scientific interests, etc.) in Bulgarian and English. The biographical note should not exceed 300 words. The second file is submitted anonymously and contains the title, abstract (up to 150 words), keywords (3 to 10), the text of the paper, bibliography, and notes.

Papers should not exceed 20 standard pages (36 000 characters with spaces), including tables and figures.

If there are graphics, tables, and images in the text, they should be sent separately. Tables, graphics, and figures should have clear titles in the text. Graphics and images are submitted in black and white. Images should be in bitmap format.

The text that the author wants to mark as more important is written in italics.

Notes are placed at the end of the text.


The journal’s reference style (citations and bibliography) follows the Harvard system of referencing.

The use of the Harvard system of referencing is mandatory. For a complete guide to the style:

* Materials, that are not prepared according to these guidelines, will not be considered. 

Quotations are written in Latin only. The names of the non-Bulgarian authors are given according to the original orthography, of the Bulgarian authors – transliterated according to the national standard.

Single author:

(Gadamer, 2000, p. 56); (Goffman, 1963, p. 163)

When the same work is cited next time, immediately after its previous citation:

(p. 56); (p. 163)

When more than one page is cited:

(Gadamer, 2000, pp. 56–58); (Scheff, 2006, pp. 98–99)

When the author’s name is part of the main text:

…Gadamer (2000) claims…

Two or three authors:

(Arendt and Heidegger, 2003); (Link and Phelan, 1995)

(Panayotov, Ivanova and Lihanova, 2013); (Panofsky, Klibansky and Saxl, 1964)

More than three authors:

(Kanev et al., 2003); (Pinard et al., 2003)

Several publications by the author in different years:

Goffman (1961; 1963)

(Goffman 1961; 1963)

When the author has more than one publication in the bibliography in a year:

Derrida (1998a); Derrida (1998b)

(Derrida, 1998a; 1998b)

When citing more than one publication:

(Brown, 2003; Quine, 1969)

The writing of the title of works in the text is done in italics and without quotation marks:

In his book Asylums

When the author(s) are not cited from a Bulgarian source, the name is always written:

…в по-късен израз на Куайн (Quine, 1969, p. 27)…

For two authors with the same last name, the citations in the text also contain their abbreviated initials:

(Znepolski, B., 1999, p. 81–105)

(Znepolski, I., 2003, p. 97)

When indicating the year of writing/publication of a work for information only, the year is given in square brackets if the work itself is not cited and not present in the bibliographic reference:

In Old Bulgarian Pages. An Anthology [1966] Petar Dinekov…

If cited indirectly, the citation is through the citing author:

 (Colquhoun, 1806, p. 7 cited in Dean, 1991) or

…Smith’s 2005 study (Smith, 2005 cited in Jones, 2008, p. 156) or

(Brown, 1966 cited in Bassett, 1986, p. 142)

When citing documents from organizations without stated authorship:

At the first citation, if no abbreviation is introduced: In a report by the European Commission (EC) (2021)…

or: In report ((EC), 2021) or (European Commission (EC), 2021)…

When reciting: …in the report (EC, 2021)

When citing newspapers:

If the article has an author: (Stancheva, 2022)

If the article has no author: (Dnevnik, 2022)

When citing legislative acts:

At the first citation, if the abbreviation of the source is not entered/introduced: The Law on the State Budget (Darzhaven vestnik (DV), 04.03.2018)…

At the first citation, if the abbreviation is entered: The State Budget Act (DV, 03.04.2018)…

When reciting: … in the law (DV, 03.04.2018)…

It is referenced in the bibliography as follows:

Zakon za darzhavniya byudzhet. (2018) Darzhaven vestnik, 04.03, pp. 3–4. Sofia: Darzhavna pechatnitsa [Закон за държавния бюджет. (2018) Държавен вестник, 04.03, с. 3–4. София: Държавна печатница].

Citing classic works:

For authors for whom standard editions exist, the forms of pagination adopted according to the standard edition are used:

According to Freud (SE, XVI, p. 243) the unconscious…

For works that do not have a publication date, the year of translation is written, preceded by ‘trans.’ or the version, with ‘version’ written after the year:

(Euripides, trans. 1931)

(Euripides, 1929 version)

(Kristeva, trans. 1999)

For classical, medieval, and other source works having a certain standard of citation, it is preserved by italicising the title of the work, followed by the number of books, parts, pagination, etc. in the usual style:

(Rep., VІІІ, 558b, p. 362) or (Rep., 558b) or (Plat., Rep., 558b)

(Met., V, 1017a5–17) or (Met., 1017a5-17) or (Arist., Met., 1017a5–17)

(Soph., OT, 316–318; 1002–1014; OC, 261–284)

(Paus., IV, 13, 2)

(Summa theologiae, I–II, q. 33, a. 2, p. 494)

For less popular classical texts, the standard edition citation format is used.


It is necessary to prepare a complete bibliography, i.e. of all resources cited or indicated in the corpus of the text or in the notes – books, articles, magazines, newspapers, electronic (including media) sources, etc. The bibliography should be arranged alphabetically in Latin and all titles in Cyrillic are transliterated.

You can use an automatic system for the transliteration:


Gadamer, H. G. (2000) Aktualnostta na krasivoto. [issue number if not first]. Translation from German D. Denkov. Sofia: Kritika i Humanizam [Гадамер, Х. Г. (2000) Актуалността на красивото. [issue number if not first]. Превод от немски Д. Денков. София: Критика и хуманизъм].

Corrigan, P., Roe, D., Tsang, H. (2011) Challenging the stigma of mental illness: Lessons for therapists and advocates. Chichester: Wiley & Sons.

Article/chapter in an edited collection:

Damyanova, Z. (2002) Politiki na prevoda. In: Znepolski, I. (comp.), Okolo Zhak Derida i chudovishtniyat diskurs. Sofia: Dom na naukite za choveka i obshtestvoto. pp. 370–391 [Дамянова, Ж. (2002) Политики на превода. В: Знеполски, И. (съст.), Около Жак Дерида и чудовищният дискурс. София: Дом на науките за човека и обществото. с. 370–391].

Smith, J. (1975) A source of information. In: Jones, W. (ed.) One hundred and one ways to find information about health. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 370–391.

Article in a journal:

Marocki, W. (2007) Silata na spomena – vavlechenost i refleksiya. Aspekti na edno strukturno mediyno obrazovanie varhu primera na kinoto. Sociological problems, 1 (2), pp. 302–323 [Мароцки, В. (2007) Силата на спомена – въвлеченост и рефлексия. Аспекти на едно структурно медийно образование върху примера на киното. Социологически проблеми, 1 (2), с. 302–323].

Web page:

Popova, S. (2009) Mediite: udaveni v prevoda (mu). Fondatsiya Mediyna demokratsiya [Попова, С. (2009) Медиите: удавени в превода (му). Фондация Медийна демокрация]. [Accessed: 09.02.10].

Books that have been translated:

Baudrillard, J. (1996) Kam kritika na politicheskata ikonomiya na znaka.Translation from French A. Koleva. Sofia: Kritika i Humanizam [Бодрияр, Ж. (1996) Към критика на политическата икономия на знака. Превод от френски А. Колева. София: Критика и Хуманизъм].

When citing a report from an organization without stated authorship:

European Commission (2021) Doklad za varhovenstvoto na zakona. Brussels: EC [Европейска комисия. (2021) Доклад за върховенството на закона. Брюксел: ЕК].

If the document is available online: European Commission (2021) Doklad za varhovenstvoto na zakona. Brussels: EC [Европейска комисия (2021) Доклад за върховенството на закона. Брюксел: ЕК]. [Accessed: 30.11.22].

When citing newspapers:

If the article has an author: 

Stancheva, G. (2021) Da glasuvash? Da se vaksinirash? Kakvo pravi choveka dobar chlen na obshtestvoto. Dnevnik, 26.11., 45 (3), pp. 4–5 [Станчева, Г. (2021) Да гласуваш? Да се ваксинираш? Какво прави човека добър член на обществото. Дневник, 26.11., 45 (3), с. 4–5].

If the article has no author: 

Dnevnik (2021) Da glasuvash? Da se vaksinirash? Kakvo pravi choveka dobar chlen na obshtestvoto. Dnevnik, 26.11., 45 (3), pp. 4–5 [Дневник (2021) Да гласуваш? Да се ваксинираш? Какво прави човека добър член на обществото. Дневник, 26.11., 45 (3), с. 4–5].

When citing newspapers that are available online:

If the article has an author: 

Stancheva, G. (2021) Da glasuvash? Da se vaksinirash? Kakvo pravi choveka dobar chlen na obshtestvoto. Dnevnik, 26.11., 45 (3), pp. 4–5 [Станчева, Г. (2021) Да гласуваш? Да се ваксинираш? Какво прави човека добър член на обществото. Дневник, 26.11., 45 (3), с. 4–5]. [Accessed: 30.11.22].

If the article has no author: 

Dnevnik (2021) Da glasuvash? Da se vaksinirash? Kakvo pravi choveka dobar chlen na obshtestvoto. Dnevnik, 26.11., 45 (3), pp. 4–5 [Дневник (2021) Да гласуваш? Да се ваксинираш? Какво прави човека добър член на обществото. Дневник, 26.11., 45 (3), с. 4–5]. [Accessed: 30.11.22].

When citing legislative acts:

Zakon za darzhavniya byudzhet (2018) Darzhaven vestnik, 04.03., pp. 3–4. Sofia: Darzhavna pechatnitsa [Закон за държавния бюджет. (2018) Държавен вестник, 04.03., с. 3–4. София: Държавна печатница].

Translated articles:

Cassirer, E. (1993) Opredelenieto za choveka ot gledna tochka na choveshkata kultura. Translation from German M. Boeva. In: Stefanov, I. and Ginev, D. (comps.) Idei v kulturologiyata. Vol. 2. Sofia: Universitetsko izdatelstvo “Sv. Kliment Ohridski”, pp. 122–141 [Касирер, Е. (1993) Определението за човека от гледна точка на човешката култура. Превод от немски М. Боева. В: Стефанов, И. и Гинев, Д. (съст.) Идеи в културологията. Т. 2. София: Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“, с. 122–141].

Marcuse, H. (2019) Krayat na utopiyata. Translation from German M. Ivancheva and M. Kalcheva. Piron: Akademichno elektronno spisanie za izkustva i kultura, 18 (Novite utopii) [Маркузе, Х. (2019) Краят на утопията. Превод от немски М. Иванчева, М. Калчева. Пирон: Академично електронно списание за изкуства и култура, 18 (Новите утопии)]. [Accessed: 10/4/2021].

When citing books of great historical importance, the original year of publication is written and the year of translation is added:

Kant, I. (1781) Kritika na chistiya razum. Translated by Ts. Torbov (1967). Sofia: BAN [Кант, И. (1781) Критика на чистия разум. Превод Ц. Торбов (1967). София: БАН].

Dictionaries/ Encyclopedias

If the article has an author: 

Kesner, R. (2002) Memory neurobiology. In: Ramachandran, V. Encyclopedia of the human brain, Vol. 2. San Diego: Academic Press. pp. 783–796.

If there is no author but only a title:

The Oxford English Dictionary (1989) Vol. 3, Oxford: Clarendon Press.

If the publication has no author, the title of the publication should be written both in the text and in the bibliography; a title of the article should be enclosed in quotation marks, and of a book – given in italics:

book: Varvara Ubriht, kalugeritsa v Krakov (1873). Tsarigrad [Варвара Убрихт, калугерица в Краков (1873). Цариград].
article: “Bukuresht, 15.02.” (1869), Narodnost, 16.02., p. 2 [„Букурещ, 15.02.“ (1869), Народност, 16.02, с. 2].