What was the Protest against?

The text is written in Bulgarian by Milena Nikolova, MA student, Sofia University in the frames of the project “Civic Practice for Students and Teachers “Post 2011 protests”” funded by the NGO Programme in Bulgaria under theEuropean Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 (www.ngogrants.bg)

Its full version you can find here is in its original language.

Critique & Humanism | 40 | 2012 | Challenges 2

Critique & Humanism | 40 | 2012 | Challenges 2 Issue Editors: Dimitar Vatsov, Boyan Znepolski, Kolyo Koev Special issue, only English version: 2012, p.326, ISSN: 1313-7751 Buy this item Please fill out the form to order your chosen edition The critique of power and the power of critique An interview with Amy Allen by Ina Dimitrova buy article…