Critique & Humanism Journal | Vol. 61, No. 2/2024 | Memory, History, Genre

Critique & Humanism Journal | Vol. 61, No. 2/2024 | Memory, History, Genre Editors of the Issue: Bogdana Paskaleva, Daniela Koleva, Vol. 61, No. 2/2024, p. 284, ISSN: 0861-1718 Buy this issue Моля попълнете формата, за да поръчате избраното от вас издание Contents   * The issue is published in English. IntroductionAuthors: Bogdana Paskaleva, Daniela…

Critique & Humanism Journal | Vol. 60, No 1/2024 | Intimacy: Practices, Discourses, and Politics

Critique & Humanism Journal | Vol. 60, No 1/2024 | Intimacy: Practices, Discourses, and Politics Editors of the Issue: Gergana Nenova, Tatyana Kotzeva, and Veronika Dimitrova, Vol. 60, No. 1/2024, p. 332, ISSN: 0861-1718 Buy this issue Моля попълнете формата, за да поръчате избраното от вас издание Contents   * The issue is published in…

сп. Критика и хуманизъм | кн. 59, бр. 2/2023 | Пространство и среда

сп. Критика и хуманизъм | кн. 59, бр. 2/2023 | Пространство и среда водещ броя: Симеон Кюркчиев, Богдана Паскалева, Мария Мартинова, Вероника Димитрова, кн. 59, бр. 2/2023, с. 359, ISSN:0861-1718 Купи изданието Моля попълнете формата, за да поръчате избраното от вас издание Съдържание Уводни думи Брой 59 на списание Критика и хуманизъм се обръща към…

сп. Критика и хуманизъм | кн. 58, бр. 1/2023 | Глобализация и пропагандни войни

сп. Критика и хуманизъм | кн. 58, бр. 1/2023 | Глобализация и пропагандни войни водещи броя: Ралица Ковачева, Милена Якимова, Димитър Вацов, кн. 58, бр. 1/2023, с. 226, ISSN:0861-1718 Купи изданието Моля попълнете формата, за да поръчате избраното от вас издание Съдържание   * Изданието е достъпно на български език. Уводни думи Тематичният брой „Интимност:…

Critique and Humanism journal | 53 | 2/ 2020 | Mental Health and Social Inequality

Critique and Humanism journal | 53 | 2/ 2020 | Mental Health and Social Inequality issue editor: Veronika Dimitrova, Maria Martinova, Simeon Kyurkchiev, vol. 53, 2/2020, p. 274, ISSN:0861-1718 Купи изданието Моля попълнете формата, за да поръчате избраното от вас издание Contents   * The issue is only available in Bulgarian. EDITORIAL   Език Цена:…

Critique and Humanism journal | 51 | 2/ 2019 | Modality and Indexicality – I part

Critique and Humanism journal | 51 | 2/ 2019 | Modality and Indexicality – I part issue editor: Darin Tenev, vol. 51, 2/2019, p. 210, ISSN:0861-1718 Купи изданието Моля попълнете формата, за да поръчате избраното от вас издание Contents   * The issue is only available in Bulgarian. EDITORIAL   Език Цена: [paiddownloads id=””] BG –…

Critique & Humanism | 50 – II | 2019 | Bulgarian Revival: Political Uses

Critique & Humanism | vol. 50 – II | No 1 | 2019 | Bulgarian Revival: Political Uses issue editors: Milena Iakimova, Albena Hranova, 1/2019, ISSN:0861-1718 Купи изданието Моля попълнете формата, за да поръчате избраното от вас издание Contents   * The Issue is only available in Bulgarian. EDITORIAL   Език Цена: [paiddownloads id=”485″] BG 0.00…

Critique & Humanism | 50 – I | 2018 | Bulgarian Revival: Political Uses

Critique & Humanism | vol. 50 – I | No 2 | 2018 | Bulgarian Revival: Political Uses issue editors: Albena Hranova, Milena Iakimova 2/2018, ISSN:0861-1718 Купи изданието Моля попълнете формата, за да поръчате избраното от вас издание Contents   * The Issue is only available in Bulgarian. EDITORIAL   Език Цена: [paiddownloads id=”485″] BG 0.00 EUR Author: Albena…

Critique & Humanism | 48 | 2017 | Conspiratorial Mind and Social Imagination

Critique & Humanism, Vol. 48, No. 2/2017 | CONSPIRATORIAL MIND AND SOCIAL IMAGINATION Editorial: Lea Vajsova, Mila Mineva, Todor Hristov, Vol. 48, No. 2/2017, p. 312, ISSN:0861-1718 Купи изданието Моля попълнете формата, за да поръчате избраното от вас издание Content   *This issue is available in Bulgarian language. KX 48 21 cententsENG ABSTRACTSKX 48 20 abstracts

Critique & Humanism | 47 | 2017 | Media and Propaganda in the Post-cold World

Critique & Humanism, Vol. 47, No. 1/2017 | MEDIA AND PROPAGANDA IN THE POST-COLD WAR WORLD Editorial: Tom Junes and Dimitar Vatsov. Vol. 47, No. 1/2017, p. 502, ISSN:0861-1718 Download issue Only in Bulgarian language Моля попълнете формата, за да поръчате избраното от вас издание Contents * This issue is only available in Bulgarian language. CONTENT_KX 47…

Critique & Humanism | 46 | 2016 | Youth, Civic Action and Protest

Critique & Humanism | vol. 46 | No. 2 | 2016 | Youth, Civic Action and Protest Editorial: Elitza Stanoeva and Tom Junes, language of this issue – English, vol. 46 | No. 2 | 2016, p.352, ISSN:0861-1718 Купи изданието Моля попълнете формата, за да поръчате избраното от вас издание YOUTH, CIVIC ACTION AND PROTEST Content…

Critique & Humanism | 45 | 2016 | The Protests as Civic Practice

Critique & Humanism | vol. 45 | No. 1 | 2016 Theme of the Issue: The Protests as Civic Practice Editorial: Tom Junes, Milena Iakimova, 2016, 316 p., ISSN:0861-1718   Buy this item Моля попълнете формата, за да поръчате избраното от вас издание The Protests as Civic Practice Contents  kx-45-22_contents-eng *This issue is available in Bulgarian…

Critique & Humanism | 44 – II | 2015 | Michel Foucault: Ways of Use. Forms of Governmentality

Critique & Humanism | 44 | No. 2 | 2015 | Theme of the Issue: Michel Foucault: Ways of Use. Forms of Governmentality Editorial: Lea Vajsova and Momchil Hristov, 44, vol. 2, 2015, 238 p., ISSN:0861-1718 Buy this item Моля попълнете формата, за да поръчате избраното от вас издание Michel Foucault: Ways of Use. Forms of Governmentality Contents…

Critique & Humanism | 43 | 2014 | Youth Cultures of Socialism and Post-socialism: Lifestyles, Conformism and Rebellion

Critique & Humanism | 43 | 2014 | Youth Cultures of Socialism and Post-socialism: Lifestyles, Conformism and Rebellion issue editors: Tom Junes and Elitza Stanoeva issue: 43, 1-2/2014 ISSN: 0861-1718 Buy this item Моля попълнете формата, за да поръчате избраното от вас издание Contents "Hunters of overseas rags and foreign currency": Stiliagi in the Cold War…

Critique & Humanism | 42 | 2013 |The City as a Stake in Local and Global Politics

Critique & Humanism | 42 | 2013 | The City as a Stake in Local and Global Politics issue editors: Elitza Stanoeva and Maya Grekova issue: 1-2/2013 , ISSN:0861-1718 Buy this item Моля попълнете формата, за да поръчате избраното от вас издание Contents The "Balkan city" as a historiographical conceptGeographical and historical studies usually present different types…

Critique & Humanism | 40 | 2012 | Challenges 2

Critique & Humanism | 40 | 2012 | Challenges 2 Issue Editors: Dimitar Vatsov, Boyan Znepolski, Kolyo Koev Special issue, only English version: 2012, p.326, ISSN: 1313-7751 Buy this item Please fill out the form to order your chosen edition The critique of power and the power of critique An interview with Amy Allen by Ina Dimitrova buy article…

Critique & Humanism | 38 | 2012 | Rethinking Democracy: Power and Resistance

Critique & Humanism | 38 | 2012 | Rethinking Democracy. Power and Resistance   Issue editors: Dimitar Vatsov, Boyan Znepolski Issue: 1, 2012, pp. 328, ISSN: 0861-1718 Buy this item Please fill out the form to order your chosen edition Potentiality, exploitation and resistance of the body-subjects. For a persistent transformation Boyan Manchev New Bulgarian…

Critique & Humanism | 35 | 2010 | Challenges to Representative Democracy Today

Critique & Humanism | 35 | 2010 | Challenges to representative democracy today Issue Editors: Dimitar Vatsov, Boyan Znepolski, Kolyo Koev Special issue, only English version: 5, 2010, p.366, ISSN: 1313-7751 Buy this item Please fill out the form to order your chosen edition Agonistic politics between ethics and politics Chantal Mouffe University of Westminster,…

Critique & Humanism | 34 | 2010 | The Critical Theory and the Short 20th Century

Critique & Humanism | 34 | 2010 | The Critical Theory and the Short 20th Century Issue Editor: Darin Tenev Issue: 4, 2010, p.289, ISSN:0861-1718 Buy this item Please fill out the form to order your chosen edition Agonistic politics between ethics and politics Chantal Mouffe University of Westminster, London   In this paper…

Critique & Humanism | 33 | 2010 | Politics in the Layers of Time and Space

Critique & Humanism | 33 | 2010 | Politics in the layers of time and space Issue editors: Dimitar Vatsov, Boyan Znepolski Issue: 3, 2010, p.280, ISSN:0861-1718 Buy this item Please fill out the form to order your chosen edition Anchialo, 1906: The political economy of an ethnic clash Roumen Avramov Centre for Liberal Strategies,…

Critique & Humanism | 32 | 2010 | Critique and Sovereignty

Critique & Humanism | 32 | 2010 | Critique and sovereignty   Issue editors: Dimitar Vatsov, Boyan Znepolski Issue: 2, 2010, pp.232, ISSN:0861-1718 Buy this item Please fill out the form to order your chosen edition About the strength and the weakness of academic social criticism Boyan Znepolski Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia…

Critique & Humanism | 31 | 2010 | Analytic Philosophy

Critique & Humanism | 31 | 2010 | Analytic philosophy   Issue Editors: Anna Beshkova, Evgeny Latinov, Todor Polimenov Issue: 1, 2010, p. 246, ISSN:0861-1718 Buy this item Please fill out the form to order your chosen edition Analytic philosophy and its forgetfulness of the continent Interview with Gottfried Gabriel by Todor Polimenov buy article…

Critique & Humanism | 30 | 2009 | Sex and Gender: Cultivating Identities Today

Critique & Humanism | 30 | 2009 | Sex and Gender. Cultivating Identities today   Issue Editor: Marina Liakova, Vyara Angelova Issue: 3, 2009, p. 368, ISSN:0861-1718 Buy this item Please fill out the form to order your chosen edition Nancy Fraser, Mapping the feminist imagination: From redistribution to recognition to representation, in Constellations 12:3…

Critique & Humanism | 29 | 2009 | Literature. Historiography. Sociology

Critique & Humanism | 29 | 2009 | Literature. Historiography. Sociology Issue Editor: Albena Hranova Issue: 2, 2009, p. 404, ISSN:0861-1718 Buy this item Please fill out the form to order your chosen edition Toward an interpretative framework for the study of the politics of national peculiarity in the nineteenth century Diana Mishkova Center for…

Critique & Humanism | 27 | 2008 | Turkey and the EU: The Ultimate Challenge

Critique & Humanism | 27 | 2008 | Turkey and the EU: The Ultimate Challenge   Issue Editor: Stilian Yotov Issue: 2, 2008, p. 177, ISSN:0861-1718 Buy this item Please fill out the form to order your chosen edition Turkey – Europe: Privileged partnership – less democracy? Claus Leggewie Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut, Essen    EU-Turkey…

Critique & Humanism | 26 | 2008 | Philosophy of Education and Educational Practice

Critique & Humanism | 26 | 2008 | Philosophy of Education and Educational Practice issue editors: Krassimir Stoyanov Special issue, only English version, 2008, p.224, ISSN:0861-1718 Buy this item Please fill out the form to order your chosen edition The nature and purposes of education Paul Standish University of Sheffield, Sheffield   Expanding state provision…

CRITIQUE & HUMANISM | 25 | 2008 | Cultures on the Move

Critique & Humanism | 25 | 2008 | Cultures on the move Issue Editors: Mila Mineva, Milena Iakimova Issue: 1, 2008, p.350, ISSN: 0861-1718 Buy this item Please fill out the form to order your chosen edition Mobile identities? Mobile citizenship? Ivaylo Ditchev Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia   The paper presents the results…

CRITIQUE & HUMANISM | 24 | 2007 | PhD Volume

Critique & Humanism | 24 | 2007 | PhD Volume   issue editors: Vanya Serafimova, Martin Kanoushev Special issue, 2007, p.352, ISSN:0861-1718 Buy this item Please fill out the form to order your chosen edition Physical education in the Bulgarian schools (1878-1912): Towards strengthening the collective body Gergana Mircheva Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia…

Critique & Humanism | 23 | 2007 | The Spectre of the People: New Forms of Populism

Critique & Humanism | 23 | 2007 | The Spectre of the People: New Forms of Populism Issue Editor: Boyan Znepolski Issue: 1, 2007, p. 167, ISSN:0861-1718 In Bulgarian and English (English edition) only the electronic version of the articles is available Купи изданието Моля попълнете формата, за да поръчате избраното от вас издание The…

Critique & Humanism | 21 | 2006 | Higher Education

Critique & Humanism | 21 | 2006 | Higher Education issue editor: Martin Kanoushev issue: 1, 2006, 384p ISSN: 0861-1718 Buy this item Моля попълнете формата, за да поръчате избраното от вас издание Contents The need for new higher education law as a pre-requisite for higher education reformThe paper outlines the main problems of the…

Critique & Humanism | 9 | 2000 | Politics of Space

Critique & Humanism | 9 | 2000 | Politics of Space     Issue Editors: Antoinette Koleva, Svetlana Sabeva Issue: 2, 2000, pp.240, ISSN:0861-1718 only the electronic version of the articles is available Buy this item Please fill out the form to order your chosen edition

Critique & Humanism| 3 | 1991 | (Post)modernity?

Critique & Humanism| 3 | 1991 | (Post)modernity?   Issue Editor: Margarita Boeva Issue: 3, 1991 pp.270   only the electronic version of the articles is available Buy this item Please fill out the form to order your chosen edition Bodiness as a political phenomenon Raicho Pozharliev buy article Author: HSSFoundation Language: BG Price: 1.50…

Critique & Humanism | 2 | 1991 | Myth and Utopia

Critique & Humanism | 2 | 1991 | Myth and Utopia Issue Editor: Valentin Dishev Issue: 2, 1991 pp.256 only the electronic version of the articles is available Buy this item Моля попълнете формата, за да поръчате избраното от вас издание Myth as a problem of understanding Zdravko Popov buy article Author: HSSFoundation Language: BG…

Critique & Humanism | 1 | 1991 | Formal Rationality

Critique & Humanism | 1 | 1991 | Formal Rationality Issue Editor: Petar Goravon Issue: 1, 1991 pp.266 only the electronic version of the articles is available Buy this item Please fill out the form to order your chosen edition Цветозар Томов – Време, творчество, съдба Георги Димитров buy article Author: HSSFoundation Language: BG Price:…

Critique & Humanism | 1 | 1990 | Phenomenology as a Dialogue

Critique & Humanism| 1 | 1990 | Phenomenology as a Dialogue Dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of Alfred Schutz Issue Editor: Kolyo Koev issue: special issue, 1990 p.172 only the electronic version of the articles is available Buy this item Please fill out the form to order your chosen edition La sociologie comme connaissance de…