Guidelines for contributors*
Critique & Humanism Journal accepts texts in English, German, French, Russian, and Bulgarian that have not been published or submitted for publication with another publisher. To be considered for publication, papers need to be related to the theme of the forthcoming issue as announced on the journal website.
Submitted papers undergo a double-blind peer review process and their acceptance is conditional on the positive evaluation of the reviewer. A paper’s merits are evaluated according to the following criteria:
- the importance of the issue addressed by the author;
- the author’s competence in the current state-of-art in the respective field of research;
- the clarity and soundness of the author’s arguments;
- the innovativeness and relevance of the author’s approach to the problem;
- the quality of the author’s writing style – its scholarly level and grasp of the topic’s complexity.
Papers should be submitted in electronic form, either on a CD at the office of Critique & Humanism or as an e-mail attachment to .
Papers should not exceed 20 standard pages (36 000 characters with spaces), including tables and figures.
In addition to the paper, authors should submit an abstract in English (max. 150 words) with keywords (up to 10). A brief biographical note about the author with her/his e-mail and institutional address should be submitted separately.
The journal’s reference style (citations and bibliography) follows the Harvard system of referencing.
- Citations in the text
Single author
(Arendt, 1973, p.49)
Author’s name cited directly in the text
“…Arendt (1973) maintains, that…”
Two or more authors
(George and Koehn 1960, pp.25-26)
Several works by one author in the same year
(Allen 2007a, 2007b)
- Reference List/Bibliography
Arendt, H. (1973) The origins of totalitarianism. 8th ed. San Diego: Harcourt Inc.
Contributions/chapter in an edited book:
George, R. and Koehn,G (1960) Brentano’s relation to Aristotle. In: Jacquette, D. et al (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Brentano. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 20-44.
Journal articles:
Benhabib, S. (1994) Democracy and difference: reflections on the metapolitics of Lyotard and Derrida. The Journal of Political Philosophy, 2 (March), pp. 236-275.
Web Pages:
Centre For Social Research (2006) Qualitative research. London, National Centre for Social Research. Available from: [Accessed 14/08/06]
* Materials, which are not prepared according to these guidelines, will not be considered.
The use of the Harvard system of referencing is mandatory. For a complete guide to the style: