• Name: Lea Vajsova
  • Email: l.weissova@gmail.com
  • Position in HSSF: member
  • University positionAssistant professor at Sociology department, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Academic degrees and education:

2011 – 2014 PhD student in Sociology at New Bulgaria University, Department of Philosophy and Sociology

2009 – 2011 MA: History of Philosophy at Sofia University “St. Kliment of Ohridski”, Faculty of Philosophy

2004 – 2008 BA: Sociology at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Philosophy



(2014) #The Protest: Analyses and Positions in the Bulgarian Press, Summer 2013 (co-editor Daniel Smilov) [Bulgarian].

(2012) Portraits of Disappearing Sofia. Sofia: Iztok – Zapad (In co-authorship with Nevena Germanova, Veronika Dimitrova, Elena Lilova, Tsvetelina Panova, Tsvetelina Slavcheva, Kristiyan Hristoff) [Bulgarian]

Introductions and articles

(2015) What Does it Mean to Be Black Immigrant in Bulgaria?. Marginalia. Available from: http://www.marginalia.bg/analizi/kakvo-e-da-si-chernokozh-imigrant-v-balgariya/ [Accessed 19/08/15] [Bulgarian].
(2014) Ethnomethodological Notes on the Position of the Researcher Participating in the Protest. In: Iakimova, M.; Kabakchieva, P.; Liakova, M.; Dimitrova, V. (eds.) Following the Steps of the Other: A Collection in Honor of Maya Grekova. Sofia: Prosveta, pp. 311 – 328 [Bulgarian].
(2014) Negotiating Art within Public Sphere. Portal “Culture”. Available from: www.kultura.bg [Accessed 19/08/15]. (In co-authorship with Vladiya Mihaylova ) [Bulgarian].
(2013) From a priori to Historical a priori and the Commentary. The Problem of Objectification in Kant through Foucault. Sociological problems, 3-4, pp. 138 – 146 [Bulgarian].
(2013) The Photographed Emotions of a City: Sketches on the Crumbling Houses of Old Sofia. Seminar BG, 8. Available from: www.seminar-bg.eu [Accessed 19/08/15] [Bulgarian].
(2013) Occupy “Orlov most”. The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere – on ecological protest in June 2012. Critique and Humanism, 41, pp. 273 – 292 [Bulgarian].
(2012) In the Track of Insecurity in Action with Kolyo Kolev. Because of Bruno Latour, back to Max Weber and Alfred Schutz. In: Deyanov, D.; Karamelska, T.; Sabeva, S.; Todorov, H. (eds.) The Stranger and Everyday Life. A Collection Dedicated to Kolyo Koev’s 60th Birth Anniversary. Sofia: New Bulgaria University, pp. 135 – 144 [Bulgarian].
(2012) (Self)Governed Citizens. Or What Does the Campaign “Let’s Clean Up Bulgaria for a Day” Tell us. Critique and Humanism, 39, pp. 249 – 264 [Bulgarian].
(2012) Subject and Power. The Problem of Critical Action in Bourdieu and Foucault. Critique and Humanism, 38, pp. 245 – 263 [Bulgarian].
(2011) Facebook: Nationalism and Citizens mobilizations. In: Ditchev, I.; Spassov, O. (eds.) New Medias and New mobilizations. Sofia: Open Society Institute, pp. 134 – 155 [Bulgarian].
(2010) Social Inequalities in the Changing Space of One Post-socialist Neighbourhood of Sofia (the Case of Dragalevtsi). Sociological problems, 1 – 2 , pp. 231 – 256 [Bulgarian]. (In co-authorship with Svetla Marinova and Lyubomir Pozharliev) [Bulgarian].


(2015) A Comment on Art Catalogue “Amazon Armor” made by Boriana Rossa. Available from: www.blistermagazine.com [Accessed 19/08/15] [Bulgarian].

Marinova, S. (2012) Toward a Political Economy of the Narratives About the Past in German History of Sociology. Sofia: Sofia University Press. Available from: www.kxjournal.com [Accessed 19/08/15] [Bulgarian].

(2011) Patriotism, Nationalism, Citizenship, and Beyond. Critique and Humanism, 37, pp. 373 – 380 [Bulgarian].

(2010) The International Conference “What Social Critique Today?” Around Luc Boltanski and Axel Honneth. Sociological problems, 3 – 3 , pp. 317 – 326 (In co-authorship with Dimitar Bojkov) [Bulgarian].

Fellowships and project participation

2014 – 2016 researcher in the project “Civic Practice for Students and Teachers “Post 2011 protests” realized by Human and Social Studies Foundation – Sofia

2015 researcher in the project “Volunteerism – Path for realization” realized by Research Center for Social Science at Sociology department, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

2015 workshop tutorial within the project “Problems of Transition: Еnhаncing Trust in and Independence of Liberal Democratic Institute” realized by Center for Liberal Strategies

2015 coordinator in the project “New Left Perspectives” realized by Collective for Social Interventions

2013 – 2014 photography project „Time&Beauty. Art Nouveau in the Bulgarian Cities”.

2011 – 2012 researcher in the project “People and Civil Society as Resources of Democracy” realized by Human and Social Studies Foundation – Sofia

2008 – 2012 coordinator in the project “National as Public Repertoir” realized by Research Center for Social Science at Sociology department, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

2008 – 2012 coordinator in the project “Nation and Citizenhood” realized by Research Center for Social Science at Sociology department, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in collaboration with Human and Social Studies Foundation – Sofia

2012 researcher in the project “Cartography of disappearing memory. Biographical portraits of run-down houses in old Sofia” realized by Research Center for Social Science at Sociology department, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

2009 researcher in the project “Culture map of Sofia”

2009 – 2010 researcher in the project “New media – new mobilizations”

2008 – 2009 researcher in the project “Social Inequalities in the Changing Space of One Post-socialist Neighbourhood of Sofia (the Case of Dragalevtsi)” realized by Research Center for Social Science at Sociology department, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in collaboration with Human and Social Studies Foundation – Sofia

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