Critique & Humanism | 41 | 2013 | People and Civil Society as Resources of Democracy


Issue editor: Boyan Znepolski
Special issue, 2013, pp.300, ISSN:0861-1718

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Discussion I: How could collective mobilizations help us better understand and reform our society?

public discussion with the participation of Ivaylo Ditchev, Mariya Ivancheva, Meglena Kuneva

Sofia, 9 February 2012

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Author: HSSFoundation

Language: BG

Price: 1.50 EUR

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Discussion II: Why do we protest against ACTA?

public discussion with the participation of Ivaylo Dinev, Georgi Zahariev, Svetoslav Malinov, Nadege Ragaru, Antonyi Todorov

Sofia, 23 February 2012

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Author: HSSFoundation

Language: BG

Price: 1.50 EUR

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Discussion III: Civic protests: Media images, ideological biases

public discussion with the participation of Petya Kabakchieva, Veselin Stoynev, Boyan Znepolski

Sofia, 8 March 2012

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Author: HSSFoundation

Language: BG

Price: 1.50 EUR

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Discussion IV: Legitimacy of civic protests? Solidarity with civic protests?

public discussion with the participation of Petya Lazarova, Daniel Smilov

Sofia, 22 March 2012

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Author: HSSFoundation

Language: BG

Price: 1.50 EUR

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Discussion V: Bulgarian education: The role of protests, the paths of reforms

public discussion with the participation of Anastas Guerdjikov, Alexander Kertin, Lyutvi Mestan, Tania Petrova

Sofia, 4 April 2012

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Author: HSSFoundation

Language: BG

Price: 1.50 EUR

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Discussion VI: In defense of immigration, against immigration

public discussion with the participation of Svetla Encheva, Anna Krasteva, Zvezda Vankova

Sofia, 20 June 2012

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Author: HSSFoundation

Language: BG

Price: 1.50 EUR

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Introduction to Counter-democracy: Politics in an Age of Distrust

Pierre Rosanvallon

Bulgarian translation

Author: HSSFoundation

Language: BG

Après les nouveaux mouvements sociaux (After the new social movements

Michel Wieviorka
Bulgarian translation

Author: HSSFoundation

Language: BG

The unbearable lightness of politics

Tony Judt
Bulgarian translation

Author: HSSFoundation

Language: BG

Bowling alone

Robert Putnam
Bulgarian translation

Author: HSSFoundation

Language: BG

Trust the People! Populism and the Two Faces of Democracy

Margaret Cannovan
Bulgarian translation

Author: HSSFoundation

Language: BG

Populism: What’s in a name?

Ernesto Laclau
Bulgarian translation

Author: HSSFoundation

Language: BG

Why nationalism is omnipresent, pluralistic and still a danger?

Michal Kozlowski

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Author: HSSFoundation

Language: BG

Price: 1.00 EUR

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Voting for Party “Ataka” in Bulgaria. Reshaping the symbolic boundaries after socialism

Nadege Ragaru

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Author: HSSFoundation

Language: BG

Price: 1.00 EUR

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Teachers, economists and private individuals or how did the market capture our imagination

Milla Mineva
an analysis of the mass strike of Bulgarian school teachers in 2007

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Author: HSSFoundation

Language: BG

Price: 1.00 EUR

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On the movement against the implementation of the technology “hydraulic fracturing” in Bulgaria

Dona Pickard
on the ecological protests in the autumn and winter of 2011-2012

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Author: HSSFoundation

Language: BG

Price: 1.00 EUR

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Occupy “Orlov Most”: The structural transformations of the public sphere

Lea Vajsova
On the ecological protests in June 2012

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Author: HSSFoundation

Language: BG

Price: 1.00 EUR

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